IGC providing board up and tarping in Blair, NE

Yesterday large hail and wind ripped across Nebraska dropping record breaking rain. The Torcon was at a 7 yesterday and meteorologist predicted severe weather and tornadoes.  Their predictions came true keeping Jim Cantore working well into the night, while storm chasers raced around in the darkness hoping to catch the action.

When dawn came the images came rolling in, the town of Blair, NE looks like it was under military attack.  Siding has holes thorough it, awnings are down, shutters crushed, windows broken, skylights busted and 12 people we sent to the hospital with injuries.

Photo credit: tjk427 Instagram Aftermath of June 2, 2014 hailstorm Blair, NE

Photo credit: tjk427 Instagram Aftermath of June 2, 2014 hailstorm Blair, NE

Temporary Repair LLC knew it was time to deploy. Crews geared up trucks with tarps, tools and plywood and headed to Blair, NE to help.  

For security reasons everyone knows windows must be boarded up, and that work began by residents the night of the storm. Many people do not realize how important it is to tarp up broken siding. Rainwater gets behind the siding and causes damage to the plywood and framing. Extensive water can get into the exterior wall insulation and result in mold that will grow and cause health issues to the home's inhabitants.

Temporary repairs, board-up and tarping must be completed to mitigate more damage.  Roofing shingles are damaged with hail this large (2.75 inch hail reported) and your insurance company should be called to report a hail claim.

Roof shingles that may appear OK from the ground, can be damaged and cause future leaking.  If you need tarp services to cover your damaged roof, siding or windows please call us today at 407-326-2372 or visit us at www.temporaryrepair.com.